The Criteria for “Old is Gold”
The first rule of thumb is that if an object goes back a century, it probably falls into an antique category. Yet that does not make a fossil an antique. The second sign of an antique is that it has value for people who happen to be collectors. An antique belonged to an upper-class genre and was all the rage in its heyday. A sentimental and nostalgic aura about an antique that we live in today and age cannot dismiss so easily.
Value Judgement
Yet the question remains that how do you correctly judge how old an antique is. As a distinguished collector of antique items, you will see that it is a confusing task when you venture into the real world out there. Start by visiting antique shops. There is a prominent antique shop right next to Solar Panels Central Coast that you can visit anytime during the weekdays. Please test the item to make sure it is genuine and not a fake. That means holding it in the palm of your hand and examining it from every angle. If the item is a Victorian Chair, then do at least sit in it. That way, you will get assurance regarding its worth. Gaze at the wood and see if there any scratches on it or if it has weathered the ravages of time. Notice if the mark of the maker is on it or not.
There are many ways of finding out if an antique is a fake or a 100% original. The signs of wear and tear that are genuine show that it has value. Cross-examining the antique from a practical point of view would come in handy. Remember, it is a scrupulous and close-up judgement of the antique that will yield its age for the avid collector.
Signs of the Times
While wooden furniture is comfortable to judge as regards its age as an antique, other items are more complicated and need closer examination:
- Silverware: Look for the correct identification mark on it and see whether its criteria fit the ideal ones listed on official sites regarding this precious item.
- Books, Magazines & Newspapers: Read the fine print on them and determine the copyright date.
- Kids Toys: Make sure they are manually manufactured. Look for any applied stickers that identify the play item as the real thing, what the toy is composed of matters.

There are several ways to identify how old an antique is:
- Visit your nearest antique dealer
- Get a detailed analysis from the experts
- Peruse the guide books in the library
- Browse a relevant website
Besides furniture, which you can examine with ease, there is pottery. That Ming Dynasty Vase lying in your home can sell for quite a lucrative sum of money. Test its structure and see what varnish it is covered with. Then sell it at an auction and end up a richer man or woman.